Emerging Solutions: Service Innovation S14 Ep2

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney - A Show About Ideas Creativity And Innovation show

Summary: For <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/build-innovation-ecosystem-inside-organization/#more-5587">large companies</a>, does innovation happen tucked away in a lab?  How does a professional services company innovate?  I delve into these questions with Michael Whitaker (“Whit”) of ICF.  He dispels misguided concepts about service innovation. The unique challenges of this industry demand a unique process.  Whit shares his process for innovation at ICF.<br> A global company, ICF delivers strategic consulting services.  ICF employs experts in a range of fields. It may seem an unlikely place to innovate.  But it’s a <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/innovation-outside-silicon-valley/#more-5526">non-traditional industry</a> creating non-obvious solutions.  <br> Whit joined ICF after ICF acquired his startup, Symbiotic Engineering.  He went from a small, nine-person company to a large, global one. Innovation at Symbiotic Engineering may have been tenable.  It is a bigger challenge at ICF. He watched efforts to instill an innovation culture. But it didn’t take off. ICF lacked a clear pathway to innovation.  With advancing technology, ICF recognized the <a href="http://philmckinney.com/building-business-booms-innovation-economy/#more-15167">need to keep apace</a>.  It was time to get serious about innovation.  ICF established Whit’s position as President of Emerging Solutions.  <br> The Challenges<br> Whit employs a “pragmatic agitation approach”.  The ICF performance engine is delivery of expert services.  To provide clients with the cutting-edge, ICF must keep ahead of technology.  It’s a delicate balancing act.<br> In the services business…<br> <br> profit margins are narrow<br> clients are risk averse <br> there is no R&amp;D budget<br> innovation is not the main focus<br> <br> You have to weave innovation into the company’s daily workings. Service innovation must happen while keeping the performance engine on track.<br> This industry conditions most employees to execute not innovate.  Execution and innovation are different skill sets and mind sets. How do you get the domain expert to think about innovation?  <br> The Process<br> Whit considers his role as supportive and integrative.  He works to lay out clear and believable pathways to innovation.<br> The book <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16189544-influencer">Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change</a> has been a good resource.  He highly recommends this book to those pursuing service innovation.<br> Steps to building service innovation include:<br> <br> Choose an area to incubate.<br> Conduct surveys to assess your organization’s culture of innovation.<br> Establish a common language of innovation.<br> Make innovation management a core project delivery discipline.<br> <br> <br> Build training programs to grow innovation skill sets.<br> <br> Teach the language of innovation<br> Encourage employees to share <a href="http://philmckinney.com/resilient-innovation-processes-improve-under-stress-instead-of-breaking/#more-12747">peer stories of innovation</a><br> Encourage innovation discussions with the team and client<br> Train a subset of employees on spark sessions<br> Coach emerging innovation managers/leaders<br> <br> <br> <br> To learn more about ICF, visit their website: <a href="https://www.icf.com/">https://www.icf.com/</a><br> You can follow Whit on Twitter at <a href="http://www.twitter.com/Papa_Whit">Papa_Whit</a><br> On Linkedin: <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelwhitakericf">https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelwhitakericf</a><br> Would you like to continue the discussion with Whit?  Join him at <a href="http://theinnovators.network/community">The Innovator’s Community</a> on the Slack channel.<br> If you know someone who would be a great guest for the show, <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/work-with-me/">drop me a note</a>.<br>