Sustainable Fashion | How to look Sheek | Impact of fast fashion

UNstoppable by Nidhi show

Summary: <p>Did you know that every second a truck load of clothes are sent to the landfill? Or that to make one t-shirt you need 30 bathtubs of water? Fashion is a topic close to women's hearts and I try to highlight the adverse impact of fast fashion and how our choices could make a difference. Listen from fashion designers, fashion bloggers and mothers as they shed light on this topic and share their tips on balancing fashion and sustainability.</p><p>Also happy to introduce our new podcast for kids, "BRAINSTORM", where we discuss inspiring people, books and movies. Here is the link to the podcast: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p>You can learn more about our today's guest via their social media handles. Richa @urbanmantra1 Swati @swissmiss_s.par.k Wish @wisharawish_official</p><p>To learn more about this topic check out my social media via the links below: Instagram <a href="" target="_blank"> </a>LinkedIn <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Email <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>