How a Biden White House will Approach Climate Change

Politics with Amy Walter show

Summary: <p>The priority for many Democratic voters in the most recent election cycle was removing President Donald Trump from the White House. This was clear after a crowded primary field coalesced around Joe Biden. But the world is a different place than it was in March and because the election cycle was dominated by the ongoing pandemic and economic crisis, it was difficult for other issues to gain traction.</p> <p>But for younger voters, environmental justice and climate policy are a top priority. Climate change has animated a generation of voters, many of whom spent months making calls and texts to swing states, even though Joe Biden was not their first choice nominee. These voters are paying close attention to who Biden appoints to his cabinet and to lead agencies as a means to gauge how seriously he’ll be taking their top issue.</p> <p>Throughout his time in office, President Trump aggressively went after more than 100 environmental rules aimed at protecting the integrity of water, land, and air. </p> <p>While President-elect Biden will have the ability to issue executive orders at his disposal, there’s division within his own party about how aggressive he should be on the issue.</p> <p><a href="">Coral Davenport</a>, energy and environmental policy reporter at The New York Times, <a href="">Jody Freeman</a>, law professor at Harvard University and former counselor for energy and climate change in the Obama White House, and <a href="">Waleed Shahid</a>, spokesperson for the Justice Democrats describe how the Biden administration might proceed with pursuing climate change policy in a hyperpolarized political landscape.</p> <p>As part of our continuing series with the freshman members of the 117th Congress, host Amy Walter spoke with Democratic Congresswoman-elect <a href="">Marilyn Strickland</a> from Washington and Republican Congresswoman-elect <a href="">Ashley Hinson</a> from Iowa. They both share what they’re hoping to accomplish in their first term and how they plan on working through partisan gridlock. <em>You can hear extended conversations with the newest members of congress </em><em><a href="">here</a></em>.</p>