3 Things You MUST Know About Small Business Marketing {Ep 050}

Business Straight Up Podcast - Business Help for Creative Entrepreneurs & Photographers show

Summary: Full shownotes here: https://www.businessstraightup.com/050 HOORAY it's episode 50 y'all! Welcome to Business Straight Up - the podcast for photographers and creatives who want to actually make a living doing what they love. I have skipped a couple of episodes, because... well because life. And the election. And heavy hearts trying to wade through all of the vitriol. I wanted episode 50 to be a milestone, not something clouded by decisions to be made elsewhere, so I waited, and I'm really, really glad I did. In this episode we are going to go into 3 things you MUST know about marketing. And dare I say - not just KNOW about marketing, but really embrace in your heart when it comes to your business. Because business means two things - leads and sales - and marketing is what can reach out to someone who might be a lead, so that you can offer them the service that you provide, so that they can exchange value (money) for what you do. That's kind of just the bottom line in marketing and sales, and there are a few things to know that will really break it down, so that we can let go of the slimy stories that we sometimes hold onto that don't serve us! Listen in, and let me know what YOU are going to let go of moving forward at https://www.businessstraightup.com/community If you want to be on the waitlist and get in on the free email marketing masterclass, head to http://www.inboxtobooked.com - it opens in December for a limited time!