Smart Sex, Smart Love - Episode 52 Charon Normand-Widmer on Somatic Psychotherapy and Sex Therapy

Podcast Detroit Network show

Summary: On this episode, Joe is talking about somatic psychotherapy and how it relates to sex therapy, with Licensed Master Clinical Social Worker, Charon Normand-Widmer. Charon practices at The Center for Relationships and Sexual Health in Royal Oak, Michigan. She specializes in working with individuals seeking support navigating erotic, gender and sexual identity challenges; alternative relationships; and trauma, utilizing a strengths-based, psychodynamic, mindfulness-based approach. Charon uses Somatic therapy seeks to help individuals learn to self-regulate, “I teach clients how to track their own bodies.” But what is somatic psychotherapy? And how is this therapy helpful for couples and individuals? Charon believes that our bodies hold to the key to our mental sexual stance. “How embodied are you?” she asks. “We withhold things in our physical body. Anxiety is a body memory of a time that we felt useless. You have issues in your tissues. So, asking yourself how ‘IN’ body you are, helps those issues in the tissues!”