Ep 107: What if creativity could spread like the coronavirus?!

Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Summary: Ever had people in your life who don’t GET your creativity? Do you have friends or family who could benefit from living a more creative life + you wish you could just convince them to be more creative? This episode shows you how! Because what if instead of spreading a deadly virus we were spreading life-giving creativity? Spoiler: we ARE spreading emotions, ideas, and philosophies all the time. Here’s how to do it with intention. In this episode: -how to stop being shortsighted and create for LONG term impact (featuring Macklemore!) -3 ways to make your creativity more contagious -what to do when you’re jealous instead of inspired by someone else’s creativity Mentions: Emotional contagion: https://www.eehealth.org/blog/2019/05/emotions-contagious/ Liz Gilbert "Your Elusive Creative Genius" TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_your_elusive_creative_genius Macklemore, "Excavate": https://open.spotify.com/track/6W3611YU4ZF5Lsw2GDZbjx