AxeTruth.com - The Axe Truth Show show

Summary: 1. Ilhan Omar caught up in where illegal #BallotHarvesting of the Somali community is taking place in Minnesota exposed by Project Veritas2. Trump used the tax laws as they are written to pay his taxes in 2016 & 2017 NYT puts out bogus claim he only paid $750 in taxes when he paid millions but they were 9.7 was in business credits.... he broke no laws. NYT's own article reports that President Trump paid millions in taxes in 2016 and 2017. The $750 was extra on top of the other taxes.3. Dewayne "The Rock " Johnson is dumber than a rock... he endorsed Biden/ Harris Ticket4. Amy Coney Barrett is being attack by the left because of here adopted Haitian children... AxeTruth now has a daily morning show on the weekdays! Join Axe live on weekday mornings around 9:30/10AM Eastern. My main platform is at tv.axetruth.com but I am also streaming on 12 other streaming platforms for you to choose from. Please visit my website at AxeTruth.com to find out the next time that I stream live.