Ep 106: How to reach your next creative tipping point for exponential growth

Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Summary: There are moments in your creative journey that are hinge points with a clear before and after. Turning points, tipping points—the experiences, investments, and people that make all the difference in catapulting you forward vs business as usual or growing at a slow pace. This week, I share some of my hinge points and help you determine what your next hinge point could be. In this episode: -how money is key to our dedication -why making decisions is a powerful gift to ourselves -how to show up for the parts of creativity you struggle with Mentions: The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell: https://www.amazon.com/Tipping-Point-Little-Things-Difference/dp/0316346624 Ep 103: Transformation Stories from my Mastermind Students (How to Break Through Your Upper Limit): https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-103-what-my-mastermind-peeps-learned-about-creativity-biz-life-from-coaching-with-me Ep 22: Life as art with Yan Palmer: https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-22-life-as-art-with-yan-palmer 2021 Love Soaked Mastermind + Retreat application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bS1nnRHf3OL3Pz-bETO5pzIBd_yXxTCxYMyVwZhS8xg/viewform?edit_requested=true