Nir Eyal joins Product Love to talk about creating better products, and meetings

Product Love show

Summary: These days, it is unbelievable how easy it is to be distracted. Think about it. We have a nearly Pavlovian response to every Slack notification or every text message, or we’re attached to the “endless scroll” that social media platforms have now adopted. These products are so entwined with our daily habits, because they know how to hook you. In 2014, Nir Eyal released a book called “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products” which essentially became every product person’s go-to book. He had researched a framework that would help anyone create products that would influence users. These days, he has a new book called “Indistractable” which focuses on how to avoid distractions from technology. The two might seem like they contradict each other, but they actually complement each other. This week on Product Love, I sat down with Nir Eyal to discuss his new book, what new technology means, and how to actually conduct good meetings.