How I’m Building Passive Income as a Food Photographer | Joanie

Fire Drill show

Summary: Joanie is a full time food photographer who quit her 9-5 job to follow her creative passion.<br> <br> She's always loved cooking, and when she started sharing food content online through her blog and started getting hired by restaurants to take photos of their menu, she realised she had an opportunity to pursue this creative outlet full time. Since then, she's started her own Youtube channel, online courses and physical workshops.<br> <br> You'll love that story.<br> <br> We also chat about...<br> <br> How Joanie got started as a food photographer<br> Leaving her 9-5 job in 2015<br> Why her and her husband refinanced their house<br> The early trade offs when starting a business<br> Joanie's recipe blog<br> Yes and No tips to food photography<br> Her next steps as a photographer<br> <br> For show notes and takeaways: