Episode 337 – Exceptional Academy

IT in the D show

Summary: Hey, this is episode 337 of the one and only it in the D show. Guests this week include Dave and Steve there with the exceptional Academy and like museums. No, no, no. Like no actually better, actually better. They are doing training programs for disabled people but they're not just training programs. We're talking CCNs and upper echelon it training programs, getting people with autism, getting people with severe disabilities, seizure disabilities, getting them gainfully trained up, employed. So I cannot wait for that conversation. Should go great. And in the meantime, you know what Dave, you may uh, I got, we're, we're, we've can barely see each other cause there's room stocked full of toilet paper and water. Um, but we'll talk about that in a minute. You may hand sanitize, you may fire when ready. Hey, what's going on? This is the one and only it in the D show...<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Hey, this is episode 337 of the one and only it in the D show. Guests this week include Dave and Steve there with the exceptional Academy and like museums. No, no, no. Like no actually better, actually better. They are doing training programs for disabled people but they're not just training programs. We're talking CCNs and upper echelon it training programs, getting people with autism, getting people with severe disabilities, seizure disabilities, getting them gainfully trained up, employed. So I cannot wait for that conversation. Should go great. And in the meantime, you know what Dave, you may uh, I got, we're, we're, we've can barely see each other cause there's room stocked full of toilet paper and water. Um, but we'll talk about that in a minute. You may hand sanitize, you may fire when ready. Hey, what's going on? This is the one and only it in the D show.<br> <br>  <br> <br> We made it all the way up to episode 337 broadcasting live here in studio one in podcast Detroit in beautiful Royal Oak, Michigan. This is Bob the sales guy. That is Dave the geek. Randy. I do. The Twitters is doing the Twitter's fine. Us. He's a Twittering. He is following people around. I don't know who this is, who followed me. Um, finding us online it in the D. dot com and do us a favor. Give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold. All right, so what do we got? We got a tomorrow night at haymaker. See, look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Nice work. I, I got it this time. I wrote it down. I was good. A torn at the Anarbor social event is happening at, at haymaker. Uh, go give him a look.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Check them out. Come say hi. Then we have our events on the 19th, uh, the next Metro Detroit event, which is going to be at cozy lounge. And they could like, literally, I've gotten like six texts from the owner's daughter. They could not be happier that we're going to be there. Go ahead. Eat your chicken biscuits and your burgers. Get, get the cheese, steak and cheese, no mushrooms though, you and your mushrooms and whatever. Uh, and then, uh, if you're out in a balance, uh, there's still time you can sign up for free podcast day, which is the Saturday, uh, which is happening in all three of our studios. Uh, Royal Oak, downtown Detroit and Northville. Uh, and then if you're bored and want to come hang out or you, you like history and you want to hang out, shout a history. He's also doing a live broadcast on Saturday from whiskey in the jar in Hamtramck.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Uh, that should be a fun one. I believe. Uh, the gentleman, his first name is Greg. I am blanking on his last name right now, who literally wrote the book about prohibition bars, uh, in Hamtramck is going to be one of their guests. Um, and he's also the chair of the Hamtramck historical society. So that should be kind of a cool conversation. I don't know if I'm going to be there cause I'm going to get in line for the bread and milk. So I mean,