Episode 358, talking about security and the usual fun and excitement with Patrick Garrity

IT in the D show

Summary: What is up? Thank you for hanging out with us. Once again. It's money night. It is time for the it in the D show. This is episode three 58 broadcasting live from our quarantine homes. This is Bob, the sales guy that is Dave. The geek Randy. I do the Twitters is doing the Twitter, his finest online it in the D dot comma. Do us a favor. Give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine. Podcasts are sold. Yeah. So, Hey everybody, I'm again, this is usually where we talk about our events and we're still not having any, so moving right along Chicka boom, Chicka, boom. He's a looking, I do not anticipate in August of any, even if it is outdoors.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> Yeah. It's yeah. I mean, looking at everything going on. I mean, I'm keeping an honestly, I'm keeping a closer eye on what's going on, what door what's going to go on with schools right now, more than anything else. Um, but it's uh, yeah, I I'm, let's just say, yeah, it's not looking good. No, but the show must go on. And now we are joining where luckily joined. We were, we had him scheduled out right. When the suitors were still open. We had to come. I think this was back in March or April. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. And he's shot me a note and said, Hey, I still want me on. I said, yeah, it's not a bad time. So, uh, we're joined by the, uh, the illustrious one. Mr. Pat Garrity. How you doing, sir?<br> <br> Great. Thanks for having me on the show today. Yeah.<br> <br> Thanks for joining us. Appreciate it now. Um, before we get into it, now, you're the VP of engineering at blue Mira operations, operations.<br> <br> I oversee product marketing sales. Got it. I mean, do everything, whatever needs to get them<br> <br> Every, uh, every once in a while we run into, I run into someone at an event. They basically takes over my LinkedIn feed and I like to congratulate you on my LinkedIn feed. That's great to hear.<br> <br> Hey, it's not, you can attribute that. Not to me too, is a amazing, she does content marketing for, for a, I almost said duo, but blue Mira. Um, and, uh, yeah, it's been amazing. The work that she does and also like our security team is creating a ton of the content as well, and trying to make useful stuff for people, uh, in the security industry.<br> <br> So, so you're just putting it all out there, trying to look important and smart is what you're saying. You're not actually creating any of it. You're just,<br> <br> Yeah, I can't, you know, some bit idea wise, um, pointing people in the right direction, but yeah, the team, the team is truly the ones working on that and publishing some cool stuff and some free tools and whatnot.<br> <br> That's awesome. So one of the reasons I was intrigued about having you on the show is a, that I think blue mirror is doing some very cool stuff. And B you kind of have a long history with, uh, you know, with duo, which is kind of a, one of the big, big wind stories. And, you know, and see, I want to talk about what everyone is. Is there a shift in security focus with, with everybody working from home now and, you know, you can kind of reassess your place in the world. So I guess let's start there if your, your, your company X, and you've got half your company or all your company working from home, and you can kind of sit back and look at your, I guess, security strategy. Are you changing right now? Or are you simplifying, are you getting more complex? What what's on everybody's mind right now?<br> <br> Yes, sir. Certainly simplifying, um, is one of the big themes. I think everyone had these ideas of three to five year cloud migrations, um, moving from on premise to cloud. We see that everywhere. Uh, it's essentially accelerated adoption of all of that. And the reality is, is, Oh man, we didn't have security controls in place. And any on any of those things,