Quick Flip: Jason Gets Nearly 200 Members

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br>  <br> <br> Jason and his wife Jody had started a pressure washing businesses in their town. After some time, they had grown that business to about $1M. However, in 2018 they sold that business.<br> <br> The Geiman family had been listening to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast for several years prior to 2018. In the fall of 2019, they came to our Flip Your Life Live event. Back then, they had about 2 members. We, of course told them to build their audience, hammer that nail over and over again.<br> <br> For them, this meant taking the view off of the memberships. But, what built their 5-figure monthly income with 189 was: learning to gain trust, learning to build their audience, start getting testimonials and success stories.<br> <br> Since then, the Geimans have been very active on YouTube, so that is where most of their online traffic has been coming in. This year, Jason has been uploading 4 YouTube videos a week, getting their channel around 200,000 views a month. Which is where now, they sell their memberships and get around 20-30 members a week, talk about being prolific!<br> <br>  <br> The 'lowdown' on Jason:<br> <br> * Full-time firefighter<br> * Previously owned his own pressure-washing business<br> * Now makes a 5-figure monthly income from his pressure-washing online membership<br> * https://www.pressurewashhelp.com<br> <br>  <br> Show Notes<br> Turn your membership into a community.<br> <br> Not only is Jason getting members, but building a community. He is having not only his videos for the members, but members are posting videos of their stories and growth, in a personal Facebook group. Therefore, they are growing together!<br> <br> It keeps people paying over and over again. You have to show up consistently for your audience.<br> <br> If someone wants to learn how to pressure wash, there’s probably not someone around that can do that. But for Jason’s members, he is there for them, wherever they are. He is accessible. Now they can build this business, now they can do this thing, through Jason’s community. These members are not in competition with one-another because they are from all over. They are spread out. Now they have a community that they can collaborate with.<br> <br>  <br> <br> You don’t know how far your stone’s throw will go.<br> <br> Who knows? The business that your members are creating to provide for their families may be passed down through generations. A generational gift that will continue to help families for years and bless far many more people than you could ever have imagined. All because you decided to create your membership site.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Your membership will give you and your family freedom.<br> <br> Jason is a full-time firefighter, has been for several years. His goal is to be able to quit his 9-5 job. He had not been able to hit the goal because it’s scary to make that leap. Now, thanks to his 189 members, they have just paid off their van and the only debt they have is for their house!<br> <br> They are bringing in more money than they have ever made! Because of that, their new goal is to save up for 6 months of expenses and Jason is finally going to quit his job! His retirement form his job would have been $2,000 a month. But now, he doesn’t have to worry about losing his retirement because he is making far more than that!<br> <br>  <br> <br> Become less accessible.<br> <br> Jason already has his core members, now he has to replace churn. His next steps? Become much less accessible and become much more of a trainer, who answers questions within his community.<br> <br> Jason’s videos will now have to shift to more testimonials, much more results, pointing people towards his free trials. For him, this means leaving out information accessible in his YouTube and only giving that detaile...