FL341 – We Celebrate Michele Getting Nearly 2,000 Email Subscribers

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary:  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> While Michele Hayes does not not many members in her education membership site just yet, she has good ones! Quantity is good, but quality is equally as important! Now, <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/our-story/">we</a> are helping Michele climb her biggest mountain by converting her epic email list of nearly 2,000 people, into members!<br> <br>  <br> The 'lowdown' on Michele:<br> <br> * Lives in Melbourne, Australia<br> * Has her own education membership site<br> * Has gotten nearly 2,000 people on her email list<br> <br>  <br> What You'll Learn:<br> <br> * Everybody is looking for a better day at work (6:50)<br> * Keep teaching (11:30)<br> * Take the time to teach yourself tools (14:30)<br> * How to convert your email list into members (17:50)<br> * You only need one product (30:00)<br> <br>  <br> Show Notes<br> Everybody is looking for a better day at work.<br> <br> Create content around what you already know. People in your field want your knowledge to make their lives easier too. You are now the expert, so, teach your God-given experiences.<br> <br> Michele already saw this in her prolific email list of nearly 2,000 people! We actually started our entire membership site with only 250 people on our email list.<br> <br> Michele has a God-given gift to write. Knowing that, she started her consistent content by blogging for teachers. She gave different tips and tricks for inside the classroom, and people loved it! She began began lots of shares on different platforms.<br> <br> She also created a lead magnet on Facebook. This is where the vast majority of her email list comes from! Also, Michele has done free in-person workshops.<br> <br> Michele has gotten down what we love to teach: the intersection of what people want to consume and what you’re willing to create.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Keep teaching.<br> <br> 2020 has been nothing short of worrisome for several reasons. One being the effects that COVID-19 has on literally every aspect of our daily lives. One of those, being everyone’s jobs and livelihoods. We certainly worried about this when we first started hearing about shutdowns in the US. We, like everyone else, were confused and disoriented. We worried about our own jobs, our company. We even own an education company that sells resources to schools and teachers. Much to our surprise, that business actually grew during the pandemic. All because our messaging changed a little bit.<br> <br> We sent out an ad that said, ‘our stuff works online.’ We removed a part of our terms and conditions that said they couldn’t share it into a database. Just a slight change. We said, we’re going to open this up and we’re going to allow you to use it, in the way you use it now.<br> <br> We were able to barely bend and not really pivot, which is exactly what Michele did. Even though COVID-19 closed schools, Michele kept teaching. In doing so, she got 4X as many people join her. This is because more teachers were having to learn a new way of teaching, as everyone taught remotely.<br> <br> The goal is to find a way to grow, when you can grow, however you can do it tastefully.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Take the time to teach yourself tools.<br> <br> Over the years our membership site has evolved, we’ve tried a ton of different programs. Programs that we had to take the time to learn.<br> <br> One of our favorites by far, as you know, is Kajabi. The weekend that we set up my first sales funnel and first webpage on it, we realized this was the program that we needed.<br> <br> Our whole goal going in was to find a platform that we could promote and use to teach people how to create a whole business in a week.<br> <br> We say that to say this, you have to do your research.