Quick Flip: We Help Michele Convert Her Email List Into Members

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br>  <br> <br> Michele Hayes is a Flip Your Life member, all the way from Melbourne, Australia! While she does not have many members in her education membership site just yet, she has good ones!<br> <br> Michele had done a great job at getting an email list of nearly 2,000 people! However, she didn’t have many members. So the question begs, how does Michele convert that list into members? People are already paying attention, the goal now is to figure out a solid strategy for her to quickly grow to 100 members.<br> <br>  <br> The 'lowdown' on Michele:<br> <br> * Lives in Melbourne, Australia<br> * Has her own education membership site<br> * Has gotten nearly 2,000 people on her email list<br> <br>  <br> Show Notes<br> How to convert your email list into members.<br> <br> Quantity is good, but quality is equally as important! Michele's biggest mountain? Converting her epic email list of nearly 2,000 people, into members!<br> <br> * Right now, Michele’s membership is tiered at $29, $49, and $69. One of the first things we need to do is clean that up a little bit. It is so much better when you start a membership not to have tiers. We ourselves have tried and experimented with tiers, but for your sanity and ease of getting your membership site grown, pick one price to promote. In Michele’s case, we think $49 a month is perfect to start out with, of course this can always change later!<br> * Then, we have our timing. Every niche has a calendar. While Michele has a big following in Africa and Asia, she has low numbers in Australia and the US. So, Michele needs to limit her advertising to Australia. This is because each country has different school calendars, different ways of teaching, the things that Michele teaches will most-likely do best with other Australians. She can still market to the US, however her advertising is going to be quite a bit different.<br> * Talk to your email list. Go get your members.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Keep teaching.<br> <br> 2020 has been nothing short of worrisome for several reasons. One being the effects that COVID-19 has on literally every aspect of our daily lives. One of those, being everyone’s jobs and livelihoods. We certainly worried about this when we first started hearing about shutdowns in the US. We, like everyone else, were confused and disoriented. We worried about our own jobs, our company. We even own an education company that sells resources to schools and teachers. Much to our surprise, that business actually grew during the pandemic. All because our messaging changed a little bit.<br> <br> The goal is to find a way to grow, when you can grow, however you can do it tastefully.<br> <br>  <br> <br> You only need one product<br> <br> You only need one product, you really only need one lead magnet. You just have to be able to present it a hundred different ways. That’s marketing.<br> <br> Do a free trail, dollar trial, it’s all the same. All you have to do is use different promotions. Your only job is to make it relevant in different circumstances, getting your product in front of more people.<br> <br> Michele has a product that the members she has, love!<br> <br>  <br> <br> Everybody is looking for a better day at work.<br> <br> Create content around what you already know. People in your field want your knowledge to make their lives easier too. You are now the expert, so, teach your God-given experiences.<br> <br> Michele already saw this in her prolific email list of nearly 2,000 people! We actually started our entire membership site with only 250 people on our email list.<br> <br> Michele has a God-given gift to write. Knowing that, she started her consistent content by blogging for teachers. She gave different tips and tricks for inside the classroom, and people loved it!