TV Staffing vs. TV Selling (PT182)

Paper Team show

Summary: Alex and Nick look at the latest debate about TV staffing versus TV selling, and discuss pros and cons of each. Is it a false dichotomy or should you prioritize one over the other? The Paper Team weighs in.<br> <br> Content<br> 1 - Why "TV Staffing versus TV Selling"? (00:26)<br> 2 - Appeal and Advantages of TV Staffing (18:07)<br> 3 - Appeal and Advantages of TV Selling (35:22)<br> <br> Links<br> <a href="">Terri Kopp's Twitter thread on "to staff or not to staff"</a><br> <a href="">TV Writing Incubators and the Evolution of Access (PT125)</a><br> <br> If you enjoy Paper Team, please consider supporting us on Patreon at <a href=""></a>! :)<br> <br> Special thanks to <a href="">Alex Switzky</a> for helping us edit this episode.<br> <br> You can find Paper Team on Twitter:<br> Alex - <a href="">@TVCalling</a><br> Nick - <a href="">@_njwatson</a><br> For any questions, comments or feedback, you can e-mail us:<br> <br>