Episode 312: Letting Go of Shame and Perfection with Former MOPS President Elisa Morgan

Extraordinary Moms Podcast show

Summary:  <br> <a href="https://extraordinarymomspodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/elisa.png"></a><br> Today my guest is Elisa Morgan. Elisa is the former President of MOPS, and an incredible mom. Growing up in a family of divorce and then living through her mom's alcoholism, she dreamed of having the "perfect family." While she did end up marrying her prince of 41 years, they also had their share of challenges in the form of her daughter's teenage pregnancy and other family issues with addiction. She's learned a lot along her motherhood journey and I know she will offer you a big virtual hug and hope that no matter what, God is mindful of you in every season.<br> Show Notes: <br> https://www.godhearsher.org/<br> https://www.elisamorgan.com/<br> This Show is Sponsored by...<br> <a href="https://extraordinarymomspodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/download.jpeg"></a><br> Gladskin is the answer to all your eczema issues. My son Jackson has struggled with his skin since he was a newborn and now he's 5! Finally, we found a product that doesn't just remedy a symptom but it literally treats the root of the eczema flare up. We've noticed a huge difference since using it twice a day on him. You can try Gladskin cream by going to: <a href="http://www.us.gladskin.com/EEP">www.us.gladskin.com/EEP</a>. It comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.<br> And...<br> <a href="https://extraordinarymomspodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/download.jpg"></a><br> <br> Red Aspen nail dashes are my new favorite find of quarantine. If you're looking for the look of professionally manicured nails with the expense and hassle of going to a nail salon, you MUST try Red Aspen press on nails. They come in all colors, patterns, and sizes, and they are the most natural looking press-on out there. Plus they stay on for 10-14 days and YOU can put them on in under 20 min. Give them a try by going to: <a href="http://www.redaspenlove.com/extraordinarynails">www.redaspenlove.com/extraordinarynails</a>