The Grace of Ours (Link #512)

Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link show

Summary: Speaker: Lauren Ray Hensey. Lauren contemplates how the practice of the four immeasurables and the cultivation of bodhicitta enable us to integrate all aspects of our experience and to include all beings in our circle of care. Contemplating the four immeasurables diminishes our sense of self-absorption and shines a light on our tendency not only to exclude others but to hide from the parts of ourselves we prefer not to acknowledge. Rinpoche encourages practitioners to be real on the cushion; to do so, we need to recognize how much our view and circumstances are subject to change, bias, and self-decepton. Opening our hearts to all perceptions, especially those we find uncomfortable, grounds us and allow us to open our hearts to all beings regardless of circumstance, thus gaining what Longchenpa calls Freedom From Partiality.