podcast: ON THE ROAD

Three Dog Yoga Podcast show

Summary: <p>we've all been there. stuck in a hotel room with no yoga class in sight. you'd do a <a href="http://www.threedogyoga.com/podcasts">podcast</a>, but with no mat, the hotel carpet makes downward facing dog downright difficult...and forget stepping into warrior 1...let alone getting up into wheel. but before you hit the minibar and channel surf, check this out. our "no-mat, no-time" on the road session. all the yoga you can do with just your self...and maybe a towel, since that carpet isn't looking so great to your face. this session stays away from anything that might be slippery...providing a light vinyasa, with arm work, leg work, core work and floor stretching. if you have extra time, repeat some segments...or add poses that work for your particular setup. no speakers, no headphones: no problem. here's the set list. take 3-8 breaths on each side in all the poses, complete the repetitions listed for the flows...or create your own pacing and rhythm. happy trails...</p> <ul> <li>child's pose</li> <li>cat/cow - 5-8 reps</li> <li>quadruped plank (from hands and knees, press into your feet and lift knees) - 3-5 breaths</li> <li>high plank - 3-5 breaths;</li> <li>high-to-low plank - 3 sets of 5 reps (option: one-leg planks on sets 2+3)</li> <li>high plank hold with alternating knee-to-elbow - 3 reps</li> <li>child's pose</li> <li>ragdoll - 5-8 breaths (option for chest expansion stretch, hands linked behind back)</li> <li>standing half series (mountain pose, fold forward, halfway lift, fold forward) - 3 reps</li> <li>utkatasana - 3-8 breaths</li> <li>utkatasana pulses (half squats) - 5-8 reps</li> <li>utkatasana to mountain pose (full squats) - 5-8 reps</li> <li>flowing/alternating utkatasana twists - 3-5 reps</li> <li>utkatasana twist and hold - 3-8 breaths on each side, fold forward between sides</li> <li>eagle -3-8 breaths</li> <li>dancer - 3-8 breaths</li> <li>tree - 3-8 breaths</li> <li>mountain pose, fold forward, halfway lift, step right foot back to low lunge <ul> <li>bend and straighten back knee - 3 reps</li> <li>bend and straighten front knee - 3 reps</li> <li>step back to halfway lift, repeat on left side, step back to halfway lift</li> </ul> </li> <li>step back to high plank hold - 5-8 breaths</li> <li>lower all the way to floor</li> <li>locust - 3-8 breaths</li> <li>bow - 3-8 breaths</li> <li>press to hands and knees</li> <li>boat - 3-8 breaths</li> <li>low boat - 3-8 breaths</li> <li>knees to chest and rock side to side</li> <li>legs straight up/upper body crunches - 8 reps</li> <li>bicycle twists - 8 reps</li> <li>knees to chest - belly twisting pose - 5 reps</li> <li>reclined pigeon- 5-8 breaths</li> <li>reclined hamstring stretch - 5-8 breaths</li> <li>reclined twist - 5-8 breaths</li> <li>happy baby - 3-8 breaths</li> <li>savasana</li> </ul>