A Surprise Package

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World show

Summary: Sometimes on Friday night, I like to do a Surprise Package set — that just means a set of songs that we’re pretty familiar with and like to sing but there’s no particular theme. This is a set I played several weeks ago for our Satsang, with music by <a href="http://lunaraymusic.com/">Kristin Luna Ray</a>, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNFGKfBhtUk">David Newman &amp; Friends</a>, <a href="https://www.donnadelory.com/">Donna DeLory</a>, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFPM9bTlwt0">Deva Premal &amp; Miten With Manose &amp; Maneesh De Moor</a>, <a href="https://iamadambauer.com/">Adam Bauer</a>, <a href="https://jaiuttal.com/">Jai Uttal</a>, <a href="https://laurenmonroe.com/">Lauren Monroe</a> &amp; <a href="http://www.girishmusic.com/">Girish</a>.<br> I hope this magical music will spark joy in your body &amp; spirit. Remember to Dance When You Walk — as dear <a href="https://youtu.be/TAX6tRlDFZ4">Miten</a> says —  and beam out the Love in your heart, let the people around you feel it. Because if not now, when dear hearts? Your love is what is going to save us. I’ll see you next week. Namaste.<br>