I Am Healthy!

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World show

Summary: This edition of the New World Kirtan Podcast marks a change. I’ve been producing the podcast for over ten years, mostly following the same format. This week I’m trying something different, focusing on just one chant. You’ll have to let me know how you like it!<br> There are a lot of well-worn ruts in my brain about being sick and lately I’ve been trying really hard to reroute them. Also, COVID. A powerful chant to the Celestial Physician has been helping — it’s short &amp; sweet and the message is very definite — I Am Healthy. The chant ‘Om Sri Dhanvantre Namah’ is an affirmation for health &amp; well-being. Traditionally it is chanted when preparing food to infuse the food with powerful healing vibrations &amp; it can also be chanted for any situation that you’d like to see healed or remedied. You can see how this chant can be very useful in this time of the coronavirus. We’ll be hearing a beautiful version by<a href="https://devapremalmiten.com/"> Deva Premal</a> from her CD <a href="https://devapremalmiten.com/mantras-for-precarious-times/">‘Mantras for Precarious Times’</a>.<br> Every single one of us on the planet is now ‘in the gap’, the place between, and we’re in this place together. Being in the gap can be disorienting &amp; even scary. The old world is gone, and something sacred is trying to be born. Stand fast, do your practice &amp; hold the vision. Hold each other. We’ll get through this time together. Until next time, my friends. Namaste.<br>