One For The Sun

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World show

Summary: I played this set last Friday night for our group &amp; songs from it kept popping into my brain all week so I figured it was a good one. We are having the most exquisite summer weather here and I wanted the music in the set to reflect that summer feeling in some way, so this week the music has the lightness of a sunny day as its theme. Be prepared to dance – it’s that kind of set!<br> This week we’ll hear music from <a href="">Avasa &amp; Matthew Love</a>, <a href="">Suzin Green, Daniel Johnson &amp; Nina Rao</a>, <a href="">Prem Joshua And Chintan</a>, <a href="">Bhakta &amp; Darpan</a>, <a href="">Jaya Lakshmi &amp; Ananda</a>, <a href="">Mukti with Prajna Vieria</a>, <a href="">David Newman</a>, <a href=";q=guruganesha+band+a+thousand+suns&amp;oq=guruganes&amp;aqs=chrome.6.0j46j69i57j0j46j0j46j0.11154j0j4&amp;sourceid=chrome&amp;ie=UTF-8">GuruGanesha Band w/Paloma Devi</a>, <a href="">Deva Premal &amp; Miten</a>, <a href="">John William Bauld</a> and Bobbyji, and <a href="">Spring Groove</a> — be sure to stay to hear that one — it’s a live track that Spring recorded back in 2008 when things were just starting — she has <a href="">Dave Stringer</a>, <a href="">Mark Gorman</a> &amp; <a href="">Hans Christian</a> in her back up band. What I love the most is that it brought back the feeling of our live kirtans at the <a href="">Corvallis UU</a> and all the fun we had. It will all be back again, better than ever. Hold onto that vision, and be the Light you are. Until next time, my friends. Namaste.<br> Set List<br> Avasa &amp; Matty Love: Love Is King Love Is Queen — Let the Sun Shine Through<br> Suzin Green, Daniel Johnson &amp; Nina Rao: The Mantra Project, Vol. II: Mantras of the Sun —     Surya Namaskar Mantras: Agni Mix (Featuring Nina Rao)<br> Prem Joshua And Chintan: Kashi: Songs from the India Within — Gayatri Ghetto<br> Bhakta &amp; Darpan: Urban Mantra Cd1: Vitality — Om Tara (RainForest Mx)<br> Jaya Lakshmi &amp; Ananda: Kundalini Mantras — Long Time Sunshine<br> Mukti: Light Of The Sun — Light Of The Sun<br> David Newman: Acoustic Chant: Ukulele Kirtan Serenades — Maha Mantra Sunset<br> GuruGanesha Band w/Paloma Devi: A Thousand Suns — A Thousand Suns<br> Deva Premal &amp; Miten: Songs for the Sangha — Brahma Gayatri Mantra<br> John William Bauld and Bobbyji: John William Bauld and Bobbyji — Light Light (Lokah Samastah)<br> Spring: Spring Fever — Be The Light<br>