The Shakers: The Benefits and Limits of Selectivity (from Cultivating Inner Peace)

Pariyatti show

Summary: Chapter 8 - The Shakers: The Benefits and Limits of Selectivity from Cultivating Inner Peace by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D. "The Shakers are an example. Paragons of selectivity, they produced one of the great outpourings of spiritual peace in American history, yet their heritage is masked by an intensely ambivalent reception that speaks to the essential tension which selectivity addresses. The Shakers deserve our attention as exemplars of both the strengths and pitfalls involved in selectivity. Their example highlights how you can intensify your relationship to peace every day via rigorous selectivity, but also how selectivity can be overdone and become paradoxically un-selective. The Shakers command our attention around the question: Just how much selectivity is peace-bearing, and how much is stifling?" Dr. Paul Fleischman Massachusetts, USA 2020 27 minutes Listen to Streaming Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Audio (13 MB) Copyright, 2020 Paul R. Fleischman There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.