Walt Whitman’s Poetic Peace (from Cultivating Inner Peace)

Pariyatti show

Summary: Chapter 11 - Walt Whitman’s Poetic Peace from Cultivating Inner Peace by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D. "A hundred years after his death, Whitman’s life transpires the atmosphere of outdoor freedom. He is known as America’s pagan poet, who set the style of bohemian bard, beckoning to listeners today from old photographs that capture him in his rustic livery, cocked Stetson, open collar, and spirit of dusty rambles on timeless summer days. The story of Whitman’s relationship with his literary ancestors is not only instructive but intriguing, since he intentionally distorted fact to sculpt a poetic truth. Both what he initially intended to hide, and what his writing and later confessions reveal, highlight the role of the vibration of language in his journey toward poise, since Whitman’s life, for all its breadth and creativity, was an increasingly dynamic, selectively honed pilgrimage into peace." Dr. Paul Fleischman Massachusetts, USA 2020 34 minutes Listen to Streaming Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Audio (34 MB) Copyright, 2020 Paul R. Fleischman There is more information about vipassana meditation at Dhamma.org, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.