Ep 94: How I’m Thinking About Creativity + Motherhood as I go on Maternity Leave

Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Summary: New episodes coming August 2020! Before I go, I wanted to share some thoughts that are serving me in motherhood and creativity as I take a break from formal creativity. In this episode: -how to lean into and love the life that’s here -necessary vs. unnecessary suffering and how to tell the difference -the courage to suffer on purpose for a greater purpose Mentions: Free training for family photographers: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/webinar/ Shake off the need for approval with Susie Moore: https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-90-shake-off-the-need-for-approval-with-susie-moore The rollercoaster of creativity + 3 ways to ride it gracefully: https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-89-the-rollercoaster-of-creativity-3-ways-to-ride-it-gracefully