Top Small Business Website Mistakes: Part 1 {Ep 038}

Business Straight Up Podcast - Business Help for Creative Entrepreneurs & Photographers show

Summary: Well hello there, amazing business owners! Today we are going to chat about the most common website mistakes that I see when I review small business websites. I have done a LOT of website critiques, even before I did them in video format, I have done them locally for about 10 years now. There are a few mistakes that I see over and over and over again, and when I sat down to write out this episode, I actually came up with OVER 20 that I see consistently. I wanted to keep this short and sweet because right now we are all working between kids and chaos, and so I had to leave some out. So we'll start with the most common, and the BIGGEST mistakes that I see. If you loved this episode, don't forget to head over to iTunes and leave a review. It only takes a few minutes but means the world to me and my team, and we have a special gift for you when you do! Type out the review, take a screenshot and send it over to so that we can send you a special gift! We appreciate the reviews so much, so I want to thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts!