Episode 0131- Veganpalooza with Dr. Neal Barnard

Raw Vegan Radio show

Summary: Our latest episode features a preview call of what has become the largest vegetarian gathering in history, featuring leaders in the raw vegan and vegan movement.<br> <br> Do you yearn for radiant health, energy and vitality?<br> <br> Are you concerned about environmental destruction and the human conflicts, hunger, and disease that plague our Earth?<br> <br> Do you love animals and appreciate their beauty and long to protect them from harm?<br> <br> Would you like to deepen your spiritual understanding of life and move significantly toward inner peace, joy, and freedom?<br> <br> Do you feel called to contribute to building a more just and harmonious world?<br> <br> If you said yes to any of these questions, then listen to this preview call of Veganpalooza 2012