#184: Playing with CSS Masks

CSS-Tricks Screencasts show

Summary: <p>Masking in CSS is one way to hide parts of the element and show others. Another is <code>clip-path</code>, but let’s not focus on that today. <em>“Masks are images; Clips are paths”</em> is one way to think about the <a href="https://css-tricks.com/clipping-masking-css/#article-header-id-0">difference</a>, although it certainly gets confusing. </p> <p>In this video, we’ll look at how similar <code>mask</code> and its <code>mask-*</code> properties are really similar to the <code>background</code> and <code>background-*</code> properties. And they can be used together nicely, sinces a mask is a … <a href="https://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/184-playing-with-css-masks/" class="read-more">Read article <span class="screen-reader-text"> “#184: Playing with CSS Masks”</span></a></p>