Profit Finding: Can You Find The One Percent That Could Make all the Difference?

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Summary: With most of us now self-isolating and with many businesses going into "hibernation" mode because of the COVID 19 pandemic. We as owners and leaders of businesses face a new challenge. What do we do with our time? The common theme coming from many is "Netflix and Chill" but now more then ever we must be looking for the one percent that will make the difference on the other side. Many no longer have the excuse of being too busy working in the business to work on it. Now is the time to put into place the plan and action steps that may not bear fruit today and tomorrow but in 6 or 12 months because when the world reopens that ones the have done this process will be taking aggressive and rapid action. So the question is what are you not doing today that you could to give yourself the greatest chance of success tomorrow.   Stay safe and enjoy