Not So Fast, Players May Not Like MLB's Plan

Locked On Astros - Daily Podcast On The Houston Astros show

Summary: It comes down to player safety and money as MLB presents it's plan to the MLBPA Tuesday. Eric and Brett were upbeat on Monday's podcast, but Tuesday's focuses more on what the players could have issues with. Including the 50-50 revenue shares that the owners will be asking for. We also looked at the Astros who could benefit from the expanded roster. Locked On Astros, the daily podcast about the Houston Astros, hosted by Eric Huysman and Brett Chancey, is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Be sure to subscribe to Locked On Astros in Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts, and come back every weekday morning and spend your morning commute listening to the latest Astros news and notes. Thanks for listening, and tell your friends! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit