Rose Rosetree - Face Reading Secrets

ISIS Paranormal Radio show

Summary: Rose Rosetree is a healer, a teacher, and an author. She is a graduate of the United Nations International School and holds a B.A. from Brandeis University, where the motto is "Truth even unto its innermost parts." Rose Rosetree is the author of Read People Deeper, Cut the Cords of Attachment, Empowered by Empathy: 25 Ways to Fly in Spirit, Let Today Be a Holiday: 365 Ways to Co-Create with God, The Power of Face Reading, Aura Reading Through All Your Senses: Celestial Perception Made Practical, Wrinkle’s Are God’s Makeup: How You Can Find Meaning in Your Evolving Face, and The Roar of the Huntids. With more than 100,000 copies of her books in print, Rose Rosetree is well-known for the innovative mind-body-spirit systems she has developed. Rose has created trademarked systems and techniques for cutting the cords of attachment and aura readings; she pioneered the first system for training empaths to hone their skills. Rose is a member of the International Association for Regression Research & Therapies, Inc. (IARRT) as well as the National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc. (NGH); she is a certified Consulting Hypnotist and Regression Therapist, and since 1986, Rose Rosetree has conducted Regression Therapy sessions. Rose has had more than 800 interviews, her work has been highlighted and praised in a variety of publications including The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Los Angeles Times, and The Catholic Standard, and she has been on The Diane Rehm Show, The View, seven different segments of ABC News in Cincinnati, and The Colbert Report. Rose was a Transcendental Meditation instructor for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for 17 years; in 1971 Rose headed up a program, the first of its kind, in Miami, where meditation was taught for credit in a public high school, and in 1974-75, Rose syndicated a weekly column on meditation for seven newspapers in Massachusetts. In 1981-82, Rose joined forces with the Environmental Protection agency and developed a meditation training