Renegade Talk Radio show

Summary: How is this Ramadan different from all other Ramadans? Because Coronavirus adds opportunity to the annual call for terror attacks! This year Jihadis call Coronavirus the ‘final nail in America’s coffin’, as they urge their followers to attack. According to Islamic beliefs, Ramadan is the month in which Allah contacted the prophet Mohammed, to give him the verses of the Koran. And terrorists exploit the notion that Ramadan is the month when Allah grants military victories to his believers, and those who gain martyrdom are doubly rewarded in Paradise. This year, Coronavirus makes it an especially tempting time to attack for several reasons. We are distracted, in lockdown, and some of our military is ill or reallocated. People are feeling lost, have more time to scour terrorist propaganda on social media and vulnerable to being recruited. We end by peeking into the future and seeing China as a new target of Radical Islamists because of spreading coronavirus, and because of the way the Communist government has been treating the Uighur Muslims.