588 Broken For More Jesus

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Even when things seem confusing, God’s divine plan is unfolding for your good. Even when things seem out of control, God is in complete control. Even when you are uncertain, God is absolutely certain. He’s absolutely certain of the potential he placed within you, the power available to you, and his plan of victory before you.<br> What you don’t understand right now is the absolute VICTORY ahead. You can’t see how this is all working together. You have no idea how the cut outs and jagged edges of this piece allow the next piece to fit perfectly. This all appears broken right now, but precious daughter of the almighty King, you’re about to be put back together again.<br> Kintsugi is the ancient Japanese art of taking broken pottery and putting it back together again using liquid gold. A broken bowl is of no value or use, however, when gold fills the cracks the once broken bowl becomes not only a work of art, but of tremendous value. The beauty is found in the brokenness. The uniqueness is displayed in the gold which now outlines the pieces being put back together.<br> The things that once broke you, the shattered hopes and dreams which have become a handful of pieces with sharp edges, these are the very things God wants to use to make your life more valuable. He fills the cracks. He puts you back together. He brings beauty and value to the very things you were about to throw away.<br> Nothing is wasted with God. Every piece of your story has it’s place. Yes, even the worst pieces. Even the pieces you try to hide. God says give me that piece of your life, give me that shame and guilt, give me that mistake and hurt, and let me place it perfectly to make you whole again.<br> God needs it all, then he uses it all. Hold nothing back from him. Your complete surrender of the broken pieces allows the complete redemption of God’s victorious work in your life.<br> You don’t have to hide where you’ve been broken. God puts what was once broken on display as a priceless work of art that is your life filled with purpose.<br> We’re all seeking purpose in life. It’s a yearning we were designed with to continually lead us to our destiny. Think of purpose as the wine inside a pitcher. If the pitcher is broken, it cannot hold the wine. Only if the broken pieces of the pitcher are put back together again and sealed, can it contain the wine. Your life can only hold it’s purpose if all the broken pieces are surrendered to be put back together. The one piece you’re holding back could be the missing piece that has always prevented your fulfilling purpose.<br> God doesn’t use perfect people. He uses broken people he can put back together again.<br> Never once do we see Jesus drawn to someone who didn’t need him. Never once do we see Jesus perform a miracle when there wasn’t first a need for a miracle. Jesus responds to the need. He goes where the brokenness is. He shows up where the pieces are on the floor and there’s no way to pick them back up again. He comes in when it seems too late and proves he’s right on time.<br> If you’re pretending like you’ve got this all together and you can hold it together … girl, you must be exhausted.<br> If you’re putting on a show like you’ve never screwed this thing up royally, please know this … your show probably isn’t worth watching. Nobody wants to see your perfection. No one is inspired by your spotless record of success. You know why … because we all know that’s not real.<br> What the world needs to see is the Jesus in you. The Jesus that filled your cracks and empty spaces and put the pieces back together again. The Jesus that used it all for good so you could now hold a purpose in your life.<br> 1 Peter 1: 6-7 “In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in a...