587 When You Have to Wait

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Are you waiting? Waiting on an answer? Waiting for something to change? Waiting for something to happen? And as you wait, your entire life feels like it’s on hold.<br> Why the delay? Why this stagnant time where nothing seems to be happening? Why is there so much uncertainty about your future? What is God doing here?<br> Honey, if you could see what God is doing for you, you wouldn’t question. If you could understand what he is working, you wouldn’t be so frustrated. But sitting here today, you only see today, and maybe today you’re not where you hoped you would be or where you though you should be by now.<br> Timing.<br> We have a timeline … then there’s God’s timeline. We have a way … and God has a way. Which one is better? Which one will you put your hope in?<br> Ecclesiastes 8:6 says “There is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a person may be weighed down by misery.”<br> You may be waiting and the wait may be hard, but God is still working. God’s plan is still in progress and at the proper time, the BEST TIME, it will happen.<br> Make friends with this now and your misery will be lightened … you do not know the way or the time better than God.<br> I have some great plans working for the next phase of my life. In 3 weeks we are selling everything, leaving our little downtown empty nest loft in Missouri, buying a house in El Paso as our homebase to be near our soldier boy stationed there, and traveling the country on countless adventures hosting retreats in Colorado, California and Tennessee. Dang, that sounds like an amazing plan and we’re just 3 weeks away from stepping into it.<br> And boom … half of our retreats are rescheduled. Change of plans. Okay, we’ll focus on buying that house and spending time with our soldier boy. Yesterday we find out he is getting deployed.<br> Well, there goes our entire plan. Now we’ve sold everything, about to be homeless and we’re waiting on a new plan.<br> And I believe God says “you’re right where I want you!”<br> Whatever you’re waiting on, understand this, WAITING IS NOT A PUNISHMENT, IT’S A PROCESS.<br> I know this wait feels like a punishment. Nobody likes being stuck in limbo and being delayed in progress.<br> This isn’t time out. You haven’t been sent to your corner in punishment. You haven’t been forgotten or looked over. This is time for unfolding. This is time for developing something greater than you had planned. There’s something happening you can’t see and it’s bigger than you can imagine.<br> When you plant a seed, you don’t sit and watch the soil for immediate growth, do you? You understand the seed is going through a process in the depths of the soil. In the darkness there is change happening you can’t see. If you dig up that seed because you grow impatient, you damage it’s progress. And so you wait, knowing the evidence of change will come, but it won’t happen quickly.<br> Just as the seed isn’t being punished in the waiting, neither are you. This is just a process.<br> It’s easy to believe when our plans gets ruined, or our timeline gets thrown out, that we’re being kept FROM something. We had something good working and now we’re being held back from it. This is where frustration and disappointment settles in.<br> It’s normal to feel that way. I’ve felt that way lately. However, we must be strong enough in our faith to resist the urge to act like a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum demanding her own way, and remember THERE’S MORE WE CAN’T SEE.<br> Frustration and disappointment are often the enemy’s seeds of destruction. Our impatience grows, our depression grows, hopelessness grows, and soon we find ourselves infested with weeds instead of the good seeds we pl...