584 I Don’t Understand

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> If God isn’t getting you out of it, then he’s giving you the strength to get through it.<br> If it’s not good yet, then God’s not done yet.<br> Your understanding is not required. Your trust however is.<br> Trust him and keep on doing good.<br> Some things in life simply don’t make sense.<br> I don’t understand how we’re standing on the earth at this moment as it spins 1,000 miles per hour and we don’t feel a thing. My hair isn’t even moving!<br> I don’t understand why my daughter, the little girl we fought so hard to rescue when she was an orphaned 4 year old, has chosen to walk away from our family a year ago, and not come back. I know God could stop her in her tracks, but he doesn’t. I don’t understand that.<br> Have you ever been there? Standing in this place in life where you don’t understand WHY and HOW this could happen. Left questioning if God is really for you, then why did this happen? Asking how a God who loves could sit and watch and do nothing.<br> What if he isn’t watching and doing nothing, but he’s doing EVERYTHING. He’s doing everything you can’t see. He’s doing more than you could ever imagine.<br> I have a friend who lost her 6 year old daughter to cancer. She has gone through the unimaginable. She has experienced pain on a level no mom should ever experience. With deep wounds now filled with words of wisdom she once told me “I live every day knowing that it may not make sense now, but some day I will understand it all.”<br> I’m left looking at the things in my own life that I don’t understand, saying YO PAMELA GET IT TOGETHER … GIRL LIVE YOUR LIFE.<br> How many times do we get hung up on why and how, and we waste perfectly good days of life being angry or frustrated?<br> Have you ever let a broken appliance rock your world? Seriously the washing machine goes out and the dirty clothes quickly pile up. The refrigerator stops working and $200 worth of groceries spoil. The garbage disposal jams and there’s unknown objects awaiting your hands in dirty water. It’s like a personal attack on you as a human being!<br> We lose our wallet. We get a speeding ticket. Our phone takes a flying leap out of our hand onto the concrete and the earth stands still as you pick it up and ever so slowly turn it over, holding your breath saying please no, please no, no, no, no and yip, it’s shattered. Dang it! Why?!!!! Why me? Why today?<br> Then we spend the remainder of the day ticked off over our bad luck and what it will cost us. GET A GRIP WOMAN! SERIOUSLY.<br> What first world problems have you let get your panties in a wad this month while others with life altering truths are choosing to wake up each day and say “I don’t understand it now, but I trust one day I will.”<br> This is the kind of faith we’re called to. This is the kind of trust God is working to develop in you. He doesn’t expect you to understand it because you won’t.<br> My entire life I’ve been told God would never give me more than I can handle. And you know what, that’s absolutely wrong. God will give you more than you can handle time and time again. Why? So you never forget HIS power in your life.<br> What he will not do, is he will never give you more than HE can handle.<br> Who has something in their life out of their control right now? Something to heavy for you to carry? Something you can’t fix? Something you can’t handle?<br> What if it’s supposed to be that way? This is for God to handle, and for you to trust.<br> I Peter 4:19 says “Those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.” The Message translation says “So if you find life difficult because you’re doing what God said, take it in stride. Trust him. He knows what he’s doing, and he’ll keep on doing it.”<br>