581 How To Become Your Best

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> God put his best in you. You are lacking nothing. He didn’t cut corners or go cheap when he created you. He envisioned all you could be, then he put exactly what it takes within you to make it possible.<br> We’re all on a journey, a journey to becoming who we were created to be. There is a path that makes us better and unveils the best version of ourselves. We can over complicate the process and get stuck in the overwhelm of all the details, or we can just get on the right path. The wrong path takes us further away from what God intended for us while the right path leads us to becoming who he imagined we could be.<br> Lord, help me get on the right path and stay on the right path. My desire is to become who you created me to be.<br> Romans 12:2 gives us a simple 3 step plan to becoming our best: (The Message)<br> “Fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”<br> Now, let’s break down those steps.<br> Step 1. Focus on God<br> I once believed focusing on God meant remaining in a never-ending prayerful meditation state where my mind never wandered off to other things. Ya’ll my mind wanders a lot. I chase squirrels, lots of squirrels. Gray squirrels, brown squirrels, flying squirrels, squirrels with big puffy tails … I find it nearly impossible to stay in a prayerful meditation state for more than 20 seconds at a time. Do you struggle with the same?<br> What if focusing on God is more about just LOOKING for him?<br> Yes, that’s it, you’re looking for God! Looking for his fingerprints on the details of your life. Looking for evidence of his presence. Looking for blessings that remind you of his care for you. Look for him.<br> And when you find him, acknowledge him. Acknowledge that warm sunshine on your face is from your Father. Acknowledge the air that fills your lungs is the very breathe of God. Acknowledge every single good thing in your life today is straight from his hands.<br> Look for God and acknowledge him. You can do this anywhere with everything. Even while chasing squirrels in your head because God made those squirrels, acknowledge him!<br> Whew, didn’t we just take the pressure off focusing on God? We simply look for him, recognize him and give him credit.<br> God, my car started today! I know that was you!!!! God, I have money for groceries today, that was surely you! God, my legs work today. That was you too, wasn’t it?!!!!<br> What happens as you work on step 1 of looking for God? YOU’LL BE CHANGED FROM THE INSIDE OUT!<br> Anything you want to change in your life starts with seeking God in it. God is the master of change.<br> Seriously, if you’re struggling with a bad habit or something you want to overcome, have you asked the master of change for a little help?<br> Yesterday I was chatting with one of the BIG Life girls I mentor and she was asking for advice on being a better listener. She often offends her husband by interrupting him and cutting him off mid-sentence. She doesn’t mean to, it’s just her habit. She’s tried to change a hundred times, but quickly falls back into old ways of talking before listening.<br> I relate to this issue. I have a tendency to get overly excited about a conversation and speak before my turn. And when you’re married to a quality time man, that makes him feel unloved and unheard. Like you don’t have time to listen and you’re trying to rush through to your point.<br> I gave her some advice and practical tips I’ve been working on myself, but you know what the best thing to do would be? Duhhhh … talk to the master of change!<br> He can change us from the inside out!<br>