576 Your Way Yahweh

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Have you ever gotten your way and realized your way wasn’t best? Have you ever pushed your point, only to see in the end you were wrong? It’s humbling to come face to face with the fact you don’t have this whole thing figured out.<br> There have been times in my life when I acted like a bull in a china cabinet. I was raging and running, and causing a mess in my wake. My intentions weren’t to hurt anyone, I just thought I knew best as I plowed through everything in my way. Now with a few more years under my belt, I understand what we are to plow through are our own excuses, not people, not warning signs, and not God’s will.<br> We always have our own free will. That’s how life gets messed up.<br> God has a beautiful plan for your life. A plan that accounts for all that currently is and takes you right to where he wants you to be, but that plan is susceptible to your free will. You’re not a robot. You’re free to come and go. Free to mess up, screw up, fall down and stay down. God doesn’t interfere with your free will, however he is forever offering you a way back to his.<br> What would a fully surrendered life to God’s way look like? Where could he take you? What could he do?<br> I honestly don’t know, but here’s what I do know … it would be better than anything I could work up on my own.<br> Right now, you’re imagining a scenario for your future that you believe would be best. Your summer plans wouldn’t be cancelled. Your job would continue and your finances would be secure. Within a few weeks you could hit up the TJ Maxx and max the heck out of your shopping experience cause Lord knows you’ve been missing wandering those isles! The kids would go back to school and you could go back to a world where you’re not forced to play teacher/principle/counselor/coach/cafeteria manager and janitor. The whole family would go back to their regularly scheduled days and you would be happy.<br> Right?<br> Right. Until it all became normal again. Until it was no longer happy.<br> You know what’s funny is, the very things we’re so desperate to get back to are the same things a whole lot of us were dreading and complaining about in February.<br> Hey fellow bull in the china cabinet, running, raging and rushing, CHILL THE HECK OUT FOR JUST A MINUTE. Let’s not mess this up. Let’s not cause a bigger mess.<br> Imagine for just a moment God actually knows what he’s doing.<br> Really. Imagine that.<br> Imagine he sees the bigger picture and he knows exactly where this crazy jacked up piece you’re stressing over right now goes. It all fits together. I mean it would if you would quit coming in and clearing the table. It would if you would quit throwing your hissy fits and full grown woman tantrums. It would if you would surrender, take a breath, step back for a moment and get some perspective.<br> What if your ideas for the future are good, but God has something better? What if that better plan means more things change and more time is required? What if that means this touches your precious summer? Would you still want God’s plans over your own?<br> This is truly a moment of reckoning. Whew, God is stretching me ya’ll because I had big plans for this summer. And in my head those are ridiculously good plans.<br> I had a retreat in a mountain mansion in the Smoky Mountains. I had a move out date in 2 weeks from our little loft in Missouri, and a plan to buy a house in Texas, fix it up like a doll house and put it on AirBnB for fellow adventurers. I had climbing the Rocky Mountains and whitewater rafting adventures planned for 2 retreats in Colorado. I had an entire month planned in California, surfing with my boy, beach sunsets with my husband, an awesome wedding on a yacht, then 3 more retreats in Northern California hiking the coastal trail,