[Hindi] Journey of meditation - Knowing what to do in meditation | ध्यान यात्रा (by Sirshree)


Summary: Do you ever wonder what meditation is and why you need to meditate? Usually when we think of meditation, we think of closing eyes and focusing on breath. Meditation incorrectly implies only focus and concentration on breath. But have you really thought about why you need to close your eyes? What is the point of meditation? What meditation really is? When asked to sit still and do nothing, most people would find this ‘doing nothing’ very challenging. Everything that happens in the world cannot happen without mind’s help. The question is how aware are we when things are happening. Increasing the level of awareness, leading one all the way to source of awareness is meditation. This is where the mind is completely still. It is an experience of pure presence with no thoughts, therefore, no labels, no judgement, no anticipation, no stress, no anxiety, no fear, just pure sense of being. This is a state of self-realization, that can certainly be experienced with meditation. During meditation, we close our physical eyes to be able to open our inner eyes. We close our eyes in sleep to refresh and recharge our body-mind-mechanism. We close our eyes in meditation to open our inner eyes and learn the art of seeing the true self. When you don’t have the right understanding about meditation, you may get lost in thoughts. You might spend several minutes meditating with closed eyes, but do not get value out of it because you don’t know what to do, what to see in meditation. Meditation is knowing the one that sees the darkness when you close your eyes. With closed eyes, you might see bright or colorful lights as well, but the one that sees all lights with closed eyes is unaffected by the colors of light. In this meditation, you will go through a profound journey of self-realization by understanding following questions and more: 1. What is true meditation? 2. Why do we really close our eyes during meditation? 3. Who we really are? Are we body, mind or something else? 4. What is our true being? 5. How you can reflect in your daily life to make sure your meditation practices are helping you beyond the time of meditation? 6. How to be mindful of your choices and understand what kind of thoughts are these choices are really coming from? Meditation means experiencing the sense of being. Meditation is a path for self-realization and experiencing the final truth. This meditation is a tool to quieten the mind and understand the existential truth. The benefits of meditations are usually described as anxiety relief, stress reduction, calm. All these benefits can certainly be experienced, but the greater and true benefit of meditation is manifestation of our true being and expression of creativity in presence of Love, Inner silence and Happiness. When people realize the true reason, and experience the benefits of meditation, they can sit for at least 2 minutes every day and learn to reflect on their daily lives.This video helps us understand importance of meditation in experiencing the final truth. It helps us understand why it is important to drop the mind in meditation in order to achieve self-realization. In our daily lives, we forget to remember our true being. In meditation, as we drop the mind, we experience what we really are. People take years to understand their truth and sometimes do not even hear about self-stabilization. If they don’t know the essential reason behind meditation, then other than physical benefits, there will not be much that will be attained even after years of practice.In order to experience true benefits, it is essential to learn more about self-realization and grow our readiness to acquire more experience about existential wisdom. It is essential to spend time in practicing meditation to achieve stabilization. This video explains in detail the path to self-stabilization starting from practice of meditation and beyond. In this video, the enlightened master, Sirshree further explains the difference between personal and impersonal thoughts and how to recognize if we are truly present in the moment or not. Among many, one of the key insights is when you experience your sense of presence, become aware of your awareness, you realize you are not the body or the mind. You realize the experience of the sense of presence is not on the body, nor is it in the body, but it is because of the body.