[Hindi] Celebrating Mahavir Jayanti With Understanding | समझ के साथ महावीर जयंती कैसे मनाएँ


Summary: Dear Jains, A thought may have occurred to some, "We are not Jains. We are Hindus... Buddhists... Muslims or Christians." This happens because with time, we take words at their face value. We stop looking for the intention, the meaning of the word. "Whoever brings the mind and senses under their control are called Jains. So, on this Earth all those who have their minds under their control are Jains and all those who don't are non-Jains. The right method of paying homage to Lord Mahavir, through whom the knowledge of 'Kaivalya' reached people, is to attain what he attained - Self mastery over mind and body. So whoever rises from lower to higher and brings his / her mind under control and attains 'Kaivalya' knowledge is Mahavir. About 2600 years ago, a son was born to Siddharth and his wife Trishala who went on to be called Mahavir later. When we say, Mahavir's birth day, understand that Mahavir is neither born nor dies. And remember that Mahavir is not a name, but the work or the quality that expressed through the body. Mahavir means supreme courage. People also celebrate Mahavir's birth anniversary as forgiveness day. But who is able to forgive? First things first. Attain that which Mahavir attained due to which compassion became natural to Mahavir. How did the feelings of forgiveness, friendliness, equanimity emerge from that body? What was attained there? Following just rituals with the feeling, 'I' forgave the 'other' is of no use. One never understands that "When you forgive and did a favour to yourself. You forgave the other because the other was you alone. You forgave the other because the other never made any mistake. There was no need for forgiveness." But to understand this one needs to see that there was no mistake ever committed. This is possible to one who has attained the higher understanding where one sees that some are made to commit 'mistakes' so that the game on Earth moves forward. But before this understanding has dawned, one needs to forgive. "Those who forgive others are forgiven for their mistakes." Mahavir says, "Non-violence is true religion." Even at a subtle level, when you are proving another wrong, you are committing violence. A Jain will not say the other's path is wrong. So let us contemplate on which are the areas where subtle violence takes place by us which takes us away from the path of winning over the mind. From his school days till youth, Mahavir worked on self mastery. Many do not even attain self control in their old age. They do not have control on their speech and keep muttering, traumatising everyone at home. Even wanting to stop they are unable to. One with foresight will think of it in his youth itself. "My old age should be such that people want to live with me." Youth is a opportunity before old age sets in. People will want to benefit from your knowledge of life. This is possible with many small experiments with small intentions everyday. One does not become a Mahavir in a day. Your future life will be very beautiful. You will feel your inner strength and self confidence. The path of Mahavir was that of intentions and vows. He vowed to stay away from sinful activities and not to indulge in any such activity due to which his freedom is compromised. One who thinks himself to be the body, becomes a slave of everything that provides for his body. The wise one will contemplate the consequences of his every action. Mahavir walked this path. Then he undertook 5 vows. First was non-violence. In depth, unconditional-love is the same as height of non-violence. What happened that non-violence, friendliness, compassion meditation, silence or dance and songs of devotion were the result... Books, scriptures like the Gita, Koran, Bible were written... Abhangs, poems were written... Song of God emerged. What understanding emerged... what feeling of submission awoke... what individual identity fell... If we attain that state, then non-violence is its result. A person who really wants to practice non-violence will concentrate on what it is that one has to learn and what it is that one has to see in the other that violence never happens through me. Only love emerges. So first things first. First bring about this understanding. Mahavir said, first work on practices and strive for understanding so that unconsciousness is broken. Then came abstinence from theft, breaking the habit of hoarding. Learn to live with as little things as possible.