[Hindi] Good Friday - Secret of The Unseen Miracle (आत्मबल का चमत्कार) - by Sirshree


Summary: Good Friday to some is not so good as they remember the violence meted to Christ and mourn the day. It is good for some who remember the teachings of Christ. But, beyond good and bad, very few understand this day as God Friday. Jesus performed miracles in his life time for the sake of others by curing the ill, even in a case, restoring life to the dead. But when crucified, what miracle did Christ perform by not performing any magic. To gauge the depth of this most significant of Christ's deeds, lets understand this analogy. There were three magicians, 'A' aged 55, 'B' aged 44 and 'C' aged 33. All the three have been sent to different places. They have been instructed to perform their magic so that the seed of 'Truth' is sown in a 100 people by each of them. After reaching the 100th person is whom the seed is sown they are to stop their magic and not use it anymore. 'A' diligently completed displaying magic till the seed of Truth was sown in a 100 people. But soon, his home caught fire while he was asleep. He woke saw no route to escape. So he performed magic and escaped. However, he could not fulfil the instruction to stop magic at 100. When father asked, "Why did you not stop?" he said, "What could I have done? There was no way out. The blaze was intense and I could not have survived it?" People normally have reasons for everything that they do not follow and all perfectly logical. But the purpose of coming to Earth remained unfulfilled. 'B' too touched a hundred people. But he faced even greater adversities. There was a flood which submerged his home and he was stuck in a thunder storm with lightning striking all around him. So he too performed magic and survived. When he returned, father asked, "Why did you not stop at 100?" He too explained in graphic detail, the reasons for his actions. Father said "Ok." No arguments are made with people who give reasons. Now when 'C' touched 100 people, there was an earthquake and the earth below him split. His body was wedged in the slit and rocks began to fall from above. But he performed no magic. He stopped as instructed. 'A' and 'B' had magic powers and used them to as instructed when things were smooth sailing. But when things got rough, they lacked inner strength continue following instructions. "How could we know what's in store for us on Earth? How could we know the pains in relationships? How could we know the hot sun...?"So do people complain. But 'C' was Christ. He performed the greatest miracle when on the crucified on the cross. The miracle was that of "Inner strength" where he performed no magic. People were expecting him to perform a miracle when on the cross and come out of the torture and injustice that they saw. But they were looking for magic as a miracle. When Christ prayed to the Father, "Forgive them for they know not what they are doing." No one saw the miracle of inner strength. His prayer had two dimensions. The first indicated the foolishness of the pursuit of the torturers. How can one bury the shadow of someone? The body is not Christ. The other is, they do not know the consequence of their deeds done with a body expressing the highest consciousness. So they need to be forgiven. Which is a greater miracle? - When God performs miracles to save man, OR When man performs an action to obey the will of God? The circumstances created for the crucification came about from Nature which can never happen without the will of God. Jesus accepted it as the will of God and said, "Oh Father! Thy will be done." Understand that there was none and is none even today who would have faulted Christ has he performed magic to save his body when being crucified. None could have found fault as it was logically perfect to do so. But when inner strength reaches heights, deeds beyond one's comprehension are done and leave a lesson for all, taking the consciousness of the world to an entirely new level. It comes in the teachings of Christ - "The seed has to die in the ground to give life to the tree." Jesus accepted death and hence became life. The body of Christ was alive with Christ consciousness again after 3 days on Easter Sunday and stayed with and guided his disciples for another 40 days. It is a lesson for the youth of today to ready themselves with such inner strength that they are able to continue what they originally intended, whatever be the adversities on the path. Only then can they ready themselves for such deeds which can vindicate the statement, "I was able to fulfil the purpose of my human birth."