Sebastian Jaworski - ARIMR / BGK - Building In-House Team Among Talent Shortage


Summary: When the IT talent shortage in Poland was estimated at roughly 100 thousand people, Sebastian Jaworski, then IT director and CIO at ARIMR (The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture) decided to fire outsourcing partners and build an internal software development factory and hired 40 people within a year. He also led an Agile transformation in this quite calcified 25-year old government organisation. The online platform that his team built has served 2 million farmers in its first year. In this episode of Leadership Deep Dive, Sebastian talks with Hendrik Deckers about: ▴ always seeking a challenge, ▴ agile transformation in a government agency ▴ impressing the business stakeholders who used to resent exorbitant bills for software development ▴ balancing trust and control in leading a high-performance team TABLE OF CONTENTS 00:45 - Introduction: Sebastian Jaworski, CIO of ARIMR (The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture) 01:17 - Transformation: Reducing software development cost by €50M through building internal software factory of 40+ developers 05:22 - Hiring and developing the IT team 07:50 - IT market in Poland, technologies and potential of blockchain 13:30 - How is IT organised at ARIMR? 14:48 - ROI of the transformation 16:30 - The role of CIO and how it's changed in the last 5 years 18:04 - Sebastian's management style - balancing trust and structure, cultivating team leaders 20:19 - Sebastian's leadership style 22:24 - Sebastian's MBTI profile - ENFJ European Digital Leader Of The Year Finalist Sebastian Jaworski is a Public sector finalist in the European Digital Leader Of The Year Awards. Find out the B2B and B2C winners and learn more about the other 16 finalists in the Public and Financial sectors - the winners among the latter will be announced at CIONEXT on 26th June 2020.