567 Not What I Imagined

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> I know I’m being guided somewhere, I just don’t know exactly where.<br> I know I’m continually being protected from something, I just don’t always see the threats coming.<br> I know I’ve been saved countless times, and the majority of those times it’s me I needed saving from.<br> This is what Jesus offers us. Guidance, protection, and saving us over and over again from even ourselves. Jesus says in John 10:11, “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” Yes, the good shepherd literally laid down his life for us, so don’t you think he has your needs for today covered? Don’t you think he is capable of caring for you in this?<br> In order for the Lord to be my shepherd, I must understand my role and his role. I am the sheep. I am 100% dependent upon my shepherd. And my shepherd is 100% committed to me.<br> A shepherd’s life is fully dedicated to the care and well being of his sheep. He guides them, he protects them, and he saves them.<br> When David wrote the famous 23rd Psalm, he referred to this shepherd/sheep relationship. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.”<br> I’ve always had this image of those green pastures as if it were a place of bliss. I see peaceful meadows covered in an abundance of lush green grass and this is where Jesus leads me. This place of more than I need. A place of near perfection. A place of no worries, strain or stress.<br> Dang, I seemed to have missed that green pasture!<br> Maybe that’s the image you’ve had as well. But wait, if those green pastures are so darn great, why would the shepherd have to make us lay down in them?<br> A quick study on the hillsides of Jerusalem where David was referring to green pastures reveal our image of lush meadows couldn’t be further from the truth. This land is mostly dirt and sand. It is harsh and sprigs of grass are scarce. Even in the rainy season there are no pastures of abundance as we imagine.<br> This totally isn’t what I imagined.<br> Crossing these hillsides are narrow dirt paths where shepherds guide their sheep. The dirt paths are spaced just far enough apart so the sheep can reach into the middle of the paths and eat the sprigs of grass. A lot of ground must be covered in order for every sheep to get enough food to eat.<br> There’s not an abundance of grass, just a little sprig. But it’s enough to take a bite, then walk a little further and take another bite. The good shepherd leads his sheep through these sprigs of grass until each sheep has had an opportunity to eat for the day. There’s not always an abundance, especially during the dry season, but the shepherd can be trusted to keep guiding them to enough for the day’s need.<br> And this is how God is guiding us. We may be in that dry season of life. Look around … yip, we are. The abundance we once knew is no longer here. It’s a new season and things just got harder. But I don’t see my shepherd freaking out. He’s not panicked wondering where to guide us or how to care for us. He has already proven there’s nothing he won’t do for us. He died to save us, so I feel confident in his commitment. He’s all in and it’s all for you sister!<br> Over 20 years ago someone stood on my doorstep and asked me my name. I said Pamela. They then quoted John 3:16 to me and said “Did you know, God so loved Pamela, that he gave his one and only son to save her?” Woah … game changer. If I were the only person in the world, he would have done it just for me.<br> He would have done it just for you.<br> So, can the good shepherd be trusted with your current situation? You bet he can!<br> So, what about those green pastures where he makes us lay down?