551 God Is For You!

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Today, we have been given a new day of life. A day of life all the other days of our life have brought us to. Everything has led up to this, to today. 16,220 days have brought me to this day, where God has gone before me and made a way. Maybe you’ve been around a few more days than me, or maybe a few less, but regardless, God has made a way before you all this time to bring you to exactly where you are today.<br> You stand on the edge of all that is available now. You are here, today, on the brink of experiencing all God has ever created you for. Oh, if you only understood where your feet are now and where the next steps could lead. Oh, if you only knew the good plans God has for you (Jeremiah 29:11), if you only understood his divine delight over all he has waiting for you, you too would be delighted.<br> You wouldn’t be overwhelmed with the details. You wouldn’t be caught in the rush and hurry. You wouldn’t be consumed with what isn’t and can’t and won’t. (Isaiah 41:10) Oh, if your eyes could see all that IS and CAN and WILL.<br> But instead all the days of our lives have brought us to this day in the middle of a week, in the middle of a month which isn’t quite winter but also not quite spring yet either. A day just in between it all. In between the ordinary. In between yesterday and tomorrow, where not a whole lot of anything impressive seems to be happening.<br> But never forget, you are in between what God did yesterday to save you, and what God will do tomorrow to promote you. What a perfect place to be! Fully surrounded by God. Fully covered by God. Here in this place where God is working and guiding divinely on your behalf.<br> Yes, that’s what today is sweet child of God, daughter of the King of all Kings, real life freaking Princess girl … this is a day where God is working and guiding YOU.<br> What does this mean? This means you can trust he is in everything. Yes, everything. He is in every delay. He is in every dilemma. He is in every disappointment. He is in every delight. He is in every direction, all around you.<br> And in everything, HE IS FOR YOU. (Romans 8:31)<br> Today you may not see it and it may not feel like it with your real life circumstances and situations, but God is in it all because he is for you. He’s not plotting against you. He’s not locking doors to keep you in a perpetual state of disappointment. He’s locking doors to guide you to the correct door. The best door. The door that leads to more than your mind can even imagine.<br> This is why you’ve faced a series of nos. This is why it hasn’t worked out. This is why you’ve been delayed. This is why you’ve been a little too short a little too late.<br> Not because you weren’t good enough. Not because you weren’t chosen … actually quite the opposite. Because YOU ARE CHOSEN. You are chosen for something even better than what was behind that closed door you wanted to enter.<br> Who am I talking to? Who has something specific in their life that hasn’t worked out? Something you thought would be a great opportunity, but it didn’t happen. Something you thought would have happened by now, but it didn’t. GOD IS ALL UP IN THIS MY SISTER!<br> Scripture tells me God knows every hair on my head. That’s crazy! Check this out, he not only knows how many hairs are on your head, each one is numbered. In Luke 12:7 Jesus says “the very hairs on your head are all numbered.”<br> Not just counted, like here’s the grand total, but numbered. Inventoried. Specified. We each have around 100,000 hair follicles on our head. Each hair follicle can grow about 20 hairs in our lifetime. We lose on average 100 hairs per day. And your God, the creator of the Universe, cares enough about you to know about every single hair you have and the 100 you will lose today.<br> Now,