Hawaii Do’s and Don’ts

Hawaii Vacation Connection show

Summary: On our new Hawaii Vacation Connection Podcast, our hosts Aloha Bruce and Emmy Award winner Lanai Tabura offer their unique, expert insight into the “Hawaii Do's and Don’ts” for visitors on holiday in the Aloha State. Special guest Sean, who guides the Lunch at McGarrett’s Hawaii 5-0 tour is along to offer his take on the best way to get on with locals during your Hawaii vacation.<br> <br> Lanai says that the first thing to remember during a Hawaii vacation if you’re driving a rental vehicle is “Don’t honk your horn!” It’s widely regarded as rude and hostile. Hawaii is a quiet and peaceful place. When we do honk our horns, it’s usually a couple of quick beeps to say “Hi” to friends or family on the road.<br> <br> Bruce points out that drivers should also take their time. Driving “mainland style” simply doesn’t work on our roads. Sean recalls signs in a Honolulu neighborhood made by a resident that say “Drive Like Your Kids Live Here”. Bruce remembers a mainland friend who is otherwise calm and collected who flies into a rage when driving. That’s the opposite of the Aloha Spirit.<br> <br> The conversation moves onto ocean etiquette. Sean points out that an important thing for visitors to remember is to leave our green sea turtles alone. It’s illegal to touch or disturb them. The same goes for our endangered Hawaiian monk seals.<br> <br> Bruce reminds listeners that warning signs about ocean safety conditions are to be taken seriously. Sean mentions a grim statistic about visitor drownings, and Lanai notes that even expert swimmers can find themselves in danger when conditions are hazardous. Bruce says that visitors, especially novice swimmers should only go to beaches with lifeguards.<br> <br> Sean mentions the dangers Hawaii beaches can pose for visitors, as even the most beautiful and seemingly placid waters can be very risky. Sean and Lanai talk about Sandy Beach, known as “Break Neck Beach” because of the number of visitors and residents alike who have been seriously injured or even killed at the beach, which can go from perfectly calm to dangerously rough in minutes. Bruce offers his own frightening experience at Sandy Beach when he first arrived on Oahu.<br> <br> Bruce moves on to some of the pet peeves Hawaii residents have about visitors. Chief among them is people referring to the mainland as “back in the States.” Lanai jokes that “some Hawaiians like that,” but that US citizens don’t need a passport to come to the 50th State. Our hosts then begin to joke about visitors over-doing the aloha-attire thing and how it is a sure way to identify yourself as a tourist.<br> <br> As far as things that visitors absolutely should do in Hawaii, our hosts note that it is important to show respect. That might mean being a courteous driver, heeding warning signs and respecting the ocean and the lifeguards that protect the people that enjoy it. Everyone agrees that the surest way to get on the bad side of a Hawaii resident is to litter. Anywhere.<br> <br> Sean reminds listeners to never leave valuables in rental vehicles, and that’s something travelers everywhere should remember.<br> <br> Bruce talks about the fact that some visitors are rude out a sense of entitlement, which is understandable but still untoward. Lanai jokes, “Yeah, don’t get drunk and loud!” As always, the Hawaii Vacation Connection Podcast gives our listeners the expert, local knowledge that only Hawaii Aloha Travel can deliver.