543 You Waited 28 Years For This

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Here in BIG Life, we gather to welcome and receive each new day of life as a gift. The simple shift in perspective to see the rising sun as the wrapping on the gift of a new day is truly life-changing. Receiving this gift with gratitude and anticipation sets our minds and changes our life experience.<br> You know, if you’re looking for the color orange, you will suddenly start seeing it everywhere. But before deciding you were looking for orange, you likely didn’t even notice it. Orange was there, but it went unnoticed. But, seek and ye shall find. Anything you’re looking for, you will find. Good or bad. Positive or negative.<br> So wouldn’t it make sense to intentionally set your mind each day to find the best of the best so you can experience it in real life? Why would you live any other way?<br> Tomorrow, we wake up to a Saturday. A Saturday that is rare and precious and of tremendous value. This is a Saturday that only comes along once every 28 years! Yes, you’ve been waiting 28 years for what is coming tomorrow, and you may not have even known it.<br> What is so incredibly special about this day?<br> IT’S LEAP SATURDAY!!!!!! (Yeah, it’s a thing and I totally just gave it my own title.)<br> This is a leap year, you get yourself the bonus day of February 29th and that happens every 4 years, but once every 28 years, that leap day falls on a Saturday!!!!!<br> Your kids have been waiting their whole life for this day! I’m 44 and the last time I got myself a Leap Saturday, I was 16 years old!!!!!! This is totally EPIC!!!!!!!<br> This is the bonus day. An extra day added to our year that’s a pure gift. You always get 365 days in the calendar year, but tomorrow you wake up to a day that is set aside as the rarest of days. February 29th! And because that special day falls on a Saturday, I mean Holy Balls, doesn’t this just call for a celebration?<br> It’s a double whammy gift. It’s the jackpot of all days!<br> I’m challenging you to seize this bonus day of life given to you and live it like no other day before. Soak in every moment, waste nothing and make it special in every way. Fit as much living into this single day as humanly possible.<br> Ecclesiastes 9: 7-10 (MSG) says “Seize life! Oh yes, God takes pleasure in your pleasure! Relish life. Each day is God’s gift. Make the most of each one. Whatever turns up, grab it and do it. And heartily!”<br> This is how God wants us to live every day of life, receiving it as a gift. But imagine what our response should be to a gift like Leap Saturday that only comes once every 28 years!<br> Our pleasure should be intentional!<br> Our relishing should resemble wallowing in the goodness!<br> We should be grabbing all that comes our way to do, to see, and to enjoy with both hands and dive in head first!<br> Because this won’t happen again for 28 years. Figure that up … how old will you have to be to ever experience another Leap Saturday. Well, that’s not guaranteed now is it? No, it isn’t … so let’s decide now we’re going to live this one like our last one.<br> Seize life. Carpe diem my friend! To seize means to take hold of. Don’t let it pass you by. The day will come and the day will go, with or without your participation. But, God is inviting you to participate.<br> He’s done all the work of creating. I mean seriously, think about it. Do you have to tell the sun to rise? No, you just get to enjoy it, he did the work for you. Do you have to control the photosynthesis of the plants to produce oxygen? Nope, you just get to breathe it, he did that work for you too. Do you have to make the Earth spin on it’s 23.5 degree axis, suspended in the galaxy, perfectly positioned 92 million miles from the sun so we’re neither frozen nor baked? No, you just get to enjoy the ride as we spin,