535 The Miraculous Stumble

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> What do you do when you genuinely don’t know what you want? What do you do when you’re unsure what your purpose is, where your passion could possibly lead, or where your path begins?<br> Hey sometimes, you just don’t know. You’re unsure of God’s desires for you and uncertain of your dreams right now. There are many reasons we become uncertain of our dreams.<br> After a season of great success, we can look around in sheer contentment and genuinely not know what we want next. What an absolutely beautiful problem! However, don’t confuse contentment with settling. Often times God is calling us out into the deep, beckoning us to a bigger life, but we’ve settled with what we have and where we are, totally thrilled with our boat and we miss the opportunity to walk on the water with Jesus. Don’t allow your contentment to cause you to settle. Yes, take a big old deep breath of gratitude and fully recognize where life is ridiculously good, then let your next breath be in knowing there’s still so much more! That beautiful boat you currently find yourself in isn’t the end, it was just meant to get you out on the water so you could walk on it!<br> Another cause of uncertainty in our desires and dreams is the overwhelm in choices. God has presented you with so many opportunities in your life, so many possibilities of what is next, you sit frozen in indecision. You genuinely want to do the right thing and not mess this thing up, but you’re not sure what that right thing is. So the clock ticks, time passes and you ain’t getting any younger as you sit in indecision. What if God isn’t stressed over you making the perfect choice, he just wants you to choose something and get started? What if he already has a prepared plan to get you exactly where you need to go, regardless of what you choose first? Ahhhhh, of course he does. Think about it, if he created the entire universe, I’m pretty sure he can create a path to get you to your destiny my sister. What he needs you to do is get moving.<br> And of course, sometimes we’re not living in God’s greatest desire for us, and we’re not fulfilling a single dream because we’re stuck in what we know, what comes easiest, and where we’re comfortable. Please never forget we may call it a comfort zone and it may include a lazy boy recliner, a bowl of popcorn and Netflix, but honey that is your cage. You are stuck in this cage, chained to old habits and patterns, and while you may have made it comfortable in here and lovingly decorated the walls with your finest excuses, every darn thing you have ever REALLY wanted is outside of this cage. You were never created to be stuck in this cage of little life living … if you were, why would Jesus have come and said I give you life and give it to you to the full? Why would he give you an abundant life if he intended for you to be stuck in a cage? Sometimes you have to just look at the facts and admit, that don’t make no sense