529 Don’t Be a Jackwagon

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Life can be difficult, and life may be really difficult for you right now. Let me tell you, there are people around you who have it worse. We have no idea the difficulties others right around us are living with. We don’t know what’s going on behind their closed doors. Their marriage may be falling apart, their children may not speak to them, they may be struggling to put food on their table, they may be questioning their faith, their purpose, their worth, their very will to live. And God has very specific direction for us today regarding this:<br> Romans 4:13 the MSG translation says “Forget about deciding what’s right for each other, here’s what you need to be concerned about, that you don’t get in the way of someone else, making life more difficult than it already is.”<br> Essentially God is saying GET OVER YOURSELF AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.<br> What’s right for you may not be right for everyone else. Stop trying to convince them. Your pushing will never persuade them to live a better life. You know what will? Your loving example. What’s truly rare today is the person willing to look at the differences of others with nothing but pure love for their soul and eyes set on their potential for goodness. What’s truly common today is each of us making it more difficult for the other person.<br> How have we been making life more difficult for people? Oh, we pour salt on a wound, we pour gas on a fire, we repay rudeness with rudeness. The jackwagon in you brings out the jackwagon in me, then we’re all running around acting like a bunch of jackwagons.<br> We see a post on Facebook we disagree with and we start a war. We’re quick to pass out judgment, forgetting we ourselves are subject to judgment, yet the almighty has pardoned us.<br> What if we all just began assuming the best in others? What if we assume that the person acting like a jackwagon was having the worst day of his life and all he needs is a little love and grace offered by those around him? Be one of those people. Just offer some love and grace. See his potential and assume the best in him.<br> Let me tell you something about the person who is hurting you in your life. Hurt people hurt people. They’re hurting, and their response to that hurt is to hurt someone else.<br> Last week hubby and I were sitting on a bench in downtown El Paso sipping a cup of coffee. A young man walks by us and suddenly begins attacking the orange and white traffic barrel at the intersection. I’m pretty sure that traffic barrel didn’t insult him in any way, yet he attacked it with his anger. When the barrel proved to be weighted and unaffected by his attempts to turn it over, he walked on down the street and the next thing in his path was an elderly man. And right there in front of my eyes, this young fella filled with rage attacked this innocent man. He didn’t know him. Words had not been exchanged, he just wanted to hurt someone, something, anything because of the hurt within him.<br> My husband along with other complete strangers spring into action to protect and defend the elderly man. And all I could think of is what had gone so wrong in this young man’s morning that he wanted to hurt on that level? What demons was he battling to cause him to lash out?<br> Hurt people hurt people.<br> Don’t’ you see that in your life? The person in your world who is hurting you is simply hurting, and they don’t know what to do with that hurt, so they pour it out on you. We’re all just a bunch of hurt people hurting people.<br> But let the cycle stop with you. Be kinder than necessary. See their hurt and be sympathetic. Don’t pour that hurt onto someone else.<br> Example – you’ve had a rough day at work. Your co-worker was short with you. Your boss was bossy and you’ve had one heck of a day. So you go home frustrated and you’re extra short with your kids and snap at your husband over the smallest o...