522 Say Yes to Life

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Do you ever talk yourself out of something that may very well be awesome? You have an opportunity to go somewhere or do something, but the little voice within pipes up and starts telling you all the reasons why you can’t, so you don’t. You make plans, but you cancel the plans. You have good intentions, but you don’t follow through with the intentions. You say yes, then you regret your yes and decline.<br> This is the absolute truth for the majority of us, myself included. It leaves me to wonder how many awesome opportunities we miss out on because our yes turns into no before we even give it a chance.<br> While I’m in El Paso this week, a local BIG Life girl invited me to join her for aerial yoga. Ya’ll, I know my talents and I know my limits. Me and aerial yoga is like a disaster waiting to happen. But you see, I really wanted to go. What a cool opportunity to experience something totally new, so I made myself say yes. The days between my yes and our actual class were filled with thoughts of why I should cancel and not show up. I came this close to coming up with some world class excuse to not be there, but I went. Last night I was hanging from some funky little hammock like a bat, doing crazy poses I never imagined possible for me. Me and aerial yoga were like BFF’s up in that studio!<br> And to think, I almost talked myself right out of it and dismissed the opportunity.<br> What if we stopped dismissing ourselves from opportunities to experience more life? What if we said yes to life, then refused to move from our yes and force ourselves to show up? What if God could count on us to be ever ready to embrace every opportunity for living he brings our way? I wonder what he could and would do? I wonder how much bigger our lives could be if opportunities were embraced and we had the confidence to keep showing up?<br> Will you have the confidence to say YES TO LIFE? Or will you excuse yourself again? Will you buy into the lies of the enemy that tell you you’re not good enough or not strong enough, that you’re too old, too fat, too awkward, and always too busy? How many opportunities have his lies stolen from you and how many more will you allow now?<br> When you say yes to life, life says yes to you. There’s a great big world of opportunity waiting on the other side of your yes. I wonder what your amazing creator has designed for you if you’ll trust him enough to show up for it now?<br> You must learn to trust there is a future waiting for you that is beyond anything you can grasp at this moment. Today you cannot fathom what your future can be. Your mind cannot comprehend what is truly possible with the spirit of God living in you, guiding you. But oh sweet child, if you will only lean into him, surrender your will fully to his, trust him with your everything, seek him with your all, then you will taste the buffet of life before you.<br> Do you want that future you cannot imagine over the today you can control? Are you willing to loosen your grip on the reigns so God can take over the direction? Do you have that level of trust with God? Hey, it’s okay if you’re not there yet. It’s a process and our shepherd is so patient with his wandering sheep to teach us his ways. Certain seasons of life are required for us to truly grasp his sovereign power and divine love over our lives. How can you fully understand his healing touch until you’ve been sick? How can you fully trust his provision until you’ve seen him make a way when there was no other way? How can you fully know his power until he has rescued you? All your life God has simply been proving his love, his power, and his plan for your life to bring you to today where you will trust the future he has available for you. All of this has brought you to a place where you can now say yes.<br> Today we say “YES God, I want what you have for me!