Negative Positives Podcast #298

Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast  show

Summary: <p>A super long Mike solo show with emails from Robert Jamieson (IG jamrobert) and Ian Christie (IG the_mr_christie) and reading of the 300th episode Mega Prizapalooza Love Fest giveaway entries as well as announcing listener donations to other listeners in the contest.  Also, a segment recorded with Neil Piper of the Soot and Whitewash podcast (IG neil_piper, IG sootandwhitewash, IG projectboxcamera, FB Group 126 Shooters) to catch up with him after obtaining his master's degree in photography and new projects he has started.  Finally, a film love package Mike received from Anthony Joseph Colvin, and thanks to the people that voted for him and this podcast in the Sunny 16 2019 Sunnies Awards.  Finally, Mike talks about his reasons for starting a Ko-Fi donation page for the podcast and thanks the amazing community for helping him out with equipment issues.  This community is amazing and huge thanks to everyone that donated funds to make the production of this podcast run a bit smoother.  </p>