Change It Up

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: #2178 The world our kids live in today is far different from the one you and I grew up in. As kids move into their teen years, they face unimaginable pressure to turn away from the values you’ve worked so hard to instill in their lives. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens. Raising kids in church, home school or a Christian school is no guarantee they’ll turn out as the godly, refined adult you’re hoping for. In fact… many parents wake up one morning to discover their teen has changed into a person they don’t even know. Is that your experience? Doing everything “right” …only to find it didn’t work? Teens today need moms and dads who’re constantly adjusting their parenting style to fit the times. If things aren’t working… don’t keep doing what you’ve always done! Change it up!